There are a few things society has changed since you were growing up, and visited your grandparents. Your grandparents (like mine) were OLD people, unlike us...right?
But it's more than that. I grew up when Eisenhower was the President; there we feared the Russians and 'The Bomb', but the economy was OK. Today many or out of work, or par-time or working several jobs. Ethics and morals are also very different as well.
Our kids are working full-time and sometimes, the grandparents become cheaper day-care. It's not how many dreamed it would be. But you do what you must.
When I started this blog, I just learned I was to be a grandpa. I was excited and naivete. I want to change it a bit to make it a more practical place for grandparents to go.I'm still a bit of both of those, but listening to the stories of other grandparents.
We lived too far from our grandkids (right now, there are two), and my wife sends a book to each of them once a month. She was and is a very good teacher, and she want her grandkids to grow up literate. This is a very simple way to let them know of Grandma's love...and that books are really cool and fun!
I hope to have other ideas, not from my brain but from the other grandparents I know and talk to. Do you have things you do with your grandchildren that we would benefit from hearing?
Thanks for your input!
-Grandpa George
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